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Springfield Ghost Hunters Society
About Our Investigations

We here at the Springfield Ghost Hunters Society take great pride in providing our clients with a very thorough and professional investigation. All of our team members have at least 5 years experience conducting actual investigations and all are 30 years of age or older. We do not believe in conducting seances or using a ouija board during an investigation, as we are a scientific based group who utilize the latest in technology to document possible paranormal activity.

All clients information kept strictly confidential unless we are given written permission to use such information.

For More Information Regarding Our Society

Information Regarding Ghosts And Apparitions

Ghosts are beings that have passed on from the material world to the spiritual world, but occasionally wander throughout our world as apparitions. Some people claim to have seen these ghosts or apparitions, as some people do not believe that they even exist.

People who believe in ghosts claim that these spirits appear as a misty fog-like substance, a patch of light, or a faded image of the deceased. Those who were thought of to be asleep when viewing such supernatural images testify that they are quite conscious when witnessing these apparitions.

In many religions, particularly in primitive faiths, the belief is that spirits wander in the astral realm during moments of sleep. This is known as "astral travel". The difference between ghosts and astral traveling today however, is that when we astral travel, our spirits are free and our bodies are still alive. But a ghost is a free spirit that comes from a dead body.

Ghosts can be pleasant spirits or malevolent entities. Believers welcome friendly ghosts to assist them throughout problems in life. Malevolent entities are seen as spirits that possess innocent victims (or places) and have to be "exorcised" our of the living body (or place) with the help of a priest or holy one. Many people use amulets or other forms of magical charms to ward off these evil spirits at the same time welcoming all good spirits into their domains.

Many people who feel that ghosts and apparitions are "non-sense" may attempt to explain the occasional occurrences that a select few experience, but no one can ever truly tell those select witnesses any differently about what they might have seen. Ghosts, apparitions and other unexplainable entities will continue to spark curiosity, fear, disbelief and controversy. One fact that you can be sure of is that "our world" as we know it is not the only world that exists.