We do not charge membership fees, but if you become a part of our team you will be responsible for the fees you incur to go with the team to places we investigate.
Some of the places we investigate may charge a fee per person.
If you want to go, you have to pay your share. You will also be responsible for all of your equipment as we do not furnish any equipment at this at this time.

We only accept applications from people 25 years of age or older only.

If a member discovers a home, business or other area that has the potential for an investigation,
they can make first contact with the owners of said property but after that, it will be up to the founders to do a follow-up with the owners. The founders will also be responsible for direction of the investigation including assigning all members their parts in the investigation. This will not be negotiable.

If you become part of our team, all we ask is that if you record any evidence of the paranormal during a team investigation, that you submit a copy to our founder, so that it may be displayed on our website.

Individual investigations without the team (on your own) are exempt from this rule but hopefully you will like for your evidence to be displayed on the site to further the group.

Once submissions are made to the founder, he reserves the right to show them on this website as property of Springfield Ghost Hunters Society, but this does not remove any copyrights from the person who first captured the evidence. The person or persons who first captured the evidence owns the copyright, but gives exclusive license to Springfield Ghost Hunters Society to showcase the evidence submitted. If you submit evidence and it is showcased as paranormal in nature on the website, we reserve the right to use it as evidence of the paranormal.

Our founder/webmaster also reserves the right to display any evidence gathered by the group or submissions by our individual members or visitors, to be analyzed by a third party if deemed fit.
This will not in any case remove any copyrights from the person or persons who submit said evidence under any circumstance

We reserve the right to place a watermark on all submissions made to our webmaster.

We will not use any evidence submitted by our team members or by visitors for financial gain without strict written permission.

Some things that  WILL NOT be tolerated during ANY investigation are as follows,

Illegal Substances
Smoking (unless in pre-determined area)
Foul Language

All NEW members will have to complete a 60 day trial period before becoming full members
and also have to complete two major investigations and two team meetings as designated by our founders in a 12 month calendar period, this is also non-negotiable and is grounds for expulsion from the group.


If you can agree to these terms, please submit your application!

We will be updating these rules as necessary - Updated 7/16/2007

Springfield Ghost Hunters Society